Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Support Vektor Machine

- Penulis: Wahyuning Diah
- Bahasa: Inggris
- Jumlah Halaman: 16
- Format file: PDF
- Publisher: IlmuKomputer.Com
- Tahun terbit: Januari 2004

In general, the term of agent means a person that does a task on behalf another person that assigns it to (representative of). The example can be a real estate agent, a travel agent, an insurance agent and many more. The reason why someone delegates that task is to make the task easier and be completed soon. For example, if someone wants to buy a house, he can search the house through the real estate magazine, find out about the house by calling the owner and then see it. Instead of searching the house one by one, he can come to a real estate agent and choose several interesting houses and find out all the information about those houses from the real estate agent. This information finding agency is really a big help, since this saves much of his time and money. 

- Download makalah lengkap: Support Vektor Machine.pdf

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